Teacher development with Randy Just
Online & in-person
This teacher training is for those who have an interest in deepening their understanding of the practice and philosophy of Iyengar method.
This course includes the study of asana, pranayama, anatomy, philosophy, and teaching methods for the levels I, II and III.
This program will enhance and expand your experience and comprehension of Iyengar Yoga and is suitable for experienced or beginner teachers interested in Iyengar Certification. Mentoring and recommendation of applicant for Iyengar Certification is available.
This comprehensive program consists of over 60 hours of class time and personal study.
This program provides the student with a strong basis for testing in the IYNAUS certification process. Visit IYNAUS to learn more.
Committed to teaching the Iyengar method and are members of IYNAUS or a regional association
Has a home practice of asana and pranayama
Passionate about the subject
Regularly attend classes from Certified Iyengar Teachers (when available)
Attend all weekends, commit to a daily practice, study time and fulfilling assignments
Read at least the following books:
Mobility to Stability by Geeta Iyengar
Arogya Yoga by BKS Iyengar
Alpha and Omega of Trikonasana by Prashant Iyengar
Tree of Yoga by BKS Iyengar
Communicate knowledge clearly and succinctly to assist you in becoming a clear, confident and effective teacher
Understand sequencing so the student penetrates deeper
Sharpen observation skills
Deepen your own practice
Learn primary modifications of postures for common injuries.
Refine and mature teaching skills
Clinic sessions
It’s designed to refine your teaching by analyzing and creating solutions while acquiring knowledge and developing a specific skills. We will focus on the many aspects including but not limited to the following:
Iyengar Yoga’s specific and precise language. The Iyengar method relies on specific language which is developed from your study and expresses the essence of the asana.
While Iyengar teachers instruct with clarity and dynamic presence it is essential to simultaneously observe the students and respond skillfully to students in need of help.
An essential component of Iyengar method is the sequencing which progressively encourages students to safely reach their full potential by utilizing intermediate stages.
We will cover the Individual Presentations and the Situation Presentations as stipulated in the RIMYI certification manual.
Breaking down the delicate art of adjusting a student with informed consent to get the benefits of the asanas.
Dissecting the asanas and taking a deep look into specific modifications, actions and prop setups.
Iyengar Yoga Study Group 2025 Schedule
Subject to change. All times are CT.
Study Weekend Dates
January 17-19 | February 21-23 | April 25-27 | June 13-15
Sunday Sessions (Online)
2:30-5:30pm | March 23
2-5pm | April 13
Weekend Schedule
2-5pm | Asana Clinic
8-9:30am | Therapy with Gulnaaz (TBD)
10am-12pm | Asana class with Randy
2-5:30pm | Afternoon Clinic
8-9:30am | Therapy with Gulnaaz (TBD)
10am-12pm | Asana class with Randy
1-3pm | Afternoon Clinic
Hear from our partipicants
If you are interested in preparing for an upcoming assessment, improving your skills as a yoga teacher, or deepening your own personal yoga practice as a student, I highly recommend the Dallas BKS Iyengar Yoga teacher study group. I learned anatomy, sequencing, new poses, philosophy, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, and adaptations to classic asanas.
Randy Just pours his time, knowledge, wisdom and heart into all of his students, meeting them exactly where they are at the moment. He gives me the confidence and tools to not only lead a class safely but also to lead myself.
The training challenged me and took me out of my comfort zone so that I could progress in my yoga practice and develop as a person. Randy’s sense of humor and enthusiasm encouraged me to go beyond my tamasic self and choose to be limitless and magnificent.
I continue to attend his Teacher Study Group’s as learning and growing are important to me as teacher and as a student.
—Theo (Teacher Training 2022)
The monthly teacher study group with Dallas Iyengar Yoga online has been a valuable addition to my studies. I find that the other students are very supportive, the community of colleagues in the course are kind, considerate and helpful, cheering me on and helping me learn.
Randy’s assistance in helping me grasp the new syllabus has been invaluable. His feedback has allowed me to gain confidence, skill and dare I say mastery, in my teaching (and in my own practice). The addition of skilled and professional teachers with special subjects makes the weekend rich with diversity of voice and background. We have philosophy with someone who is steeped in the subject and senior teachers to help with sequencing. I highly recommend this program.
—Lisa Waas (Amelia Island, FL)
Teacher Training 2022
Teacher training is always challenging and stressful but randy creates a welcoming environment that supports and encourages participants. Challenges are welcomed as opportunities to deepen understanding, and thoughtful critiques help bring out the best in all of us. Randy worked with each of us to build on our strengths, recognize our weaknesses and strive to become our best selves. Besides all that, I’ve never had so much fun or learned as much in teacher training.
—Katie (Teacher Training 2022)
I moved from Mexico City to San Antonio Texas during the summer of 2014. I was feeling homeless in my yoga practice, when I was introduced to the BKS Iyengar Studio of Dallas. In Mexico City I had a warm and supportive yoga group, and I really needed that connection in Texas. This Teacher Study Group is now my new yoga home. I feel that both my practice and teaching skills have improved. The other participants are inclusive, supportive, encouraging, and fun. This studio invites teachers from all over the world who are steeped in Iyengar Yoga and are very professional and knowledgeable. In times of so much division, for me is a gift to find a place where I feel welcomed.
—Yemile (Mexico City, MX)
Teacher Training 2022
There are many things about the teacher training program that are wonderful, but the thing that stands out most to me is the change in everyone from beginning to end. Teachers voices become stronger, words more illustrative, and both body and voice more precise. What distinguishes Randy is that he gets us to move beyond the fear of performance to proceed in a way that we know we are supported. No one is against us, everyone, particularly Randy, is for us. People say all the time “this is for you.”
—Amanda (Teacher Training 2022)
Each time I complete teacher training with Randy, I feel more deeply rooted in the lineage of the Iyengar method, solid in my teaching and more devoted to my personal practice. A perfect combination of teaching the asana, study of philosophy and anatomy. I felt very well prepared for my last assessment and I look forward to my next, knowing that I will be ready. I am grateful to have Randy Just as my teacher and to be a part of the Dallas Iyengar Yoga community each time I’m in the studio.
—Martha (Little Rock, AR)
Teacher Training 2022
I highly recommend Randy’s ongoing teacher gathers to teachers and anyone interested in the yogic path. Randy generously shares his knowledge and wisdom with humor and encouragement. I’ve deepened my understanding of yoga asanas, anatomy, pranayama, yoga philosophy and teaching techniques. Even though I attend via zoom there’s a sense of community created.
—Theodora (Greece)